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Events and appearances

I speak regularly on BBC Radio and at literary festivals including the Hay festival, How The Light Gets In, Bristol Festival of Ideas, Cheltenham Science Festival, the Open Book festival in Cape Town, Battle of Ideas, Jewish Book Week, and at the Royal Society of Arts.

Here is a selection of recent broadcasts:

I was interviewed about my book Elitism: A Progressive Defence on BBC Radio 4’s Thinking Allowed, on the Prospect magazine podcast, the RSA podcast, on Novara FM (this podcast was picked up by the Spectator), and Mat Dryhurst and Holly Herndon’s podcast Interdependence.

I’ve also defended good elitism in the Independent, in the New Statesman, and on BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking.

I contributed to BBC Radio 4’s Analysis on ‘woke capitalism’ on 2 February 2020.

I contributed to the RSA podcast Polarised: ‘Is Democracy Failing?’ on 1 November 2018.

I was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s PM programme about natural childbirth on 9th August 2018.

I contributed to the New Economics Foundation’s podcast ‘Can populism be progressive’ on 30 July 2018.

I appeared on NovaraFM to talk about Anti-Politics on 25th May 2018.

BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking on ‘bureaucracy’, 22 February 2018

BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking on ‘The Liberal Elite’, 30 November 2016

‘Meet the Renegades’, 16 December 2015

The Egg Carton podcast on ‘Craving Authenticity’

Al Jazeera English programme ‘Listening Post’ on binary oppositions in the media, 25 October 2015

BBC Radio 4’s Late Night Woman’s Hour on ‘Secrets and Lies’, 14 August 2015

BBC Radio 4’s Analysis on ‘Populism’, 19 July 2015

BBC Radio 4’s Four Thought on ‘The progressive case for authority’, 5 July 2015

NPR discussion on propaganda, 23 June 2015

BBC Radio 3’s Night Waves on 11 June 2013 about conspiracies

BBC Radio 3’s Night Waves on 16 May 2013 about Propaganda

BBC Radio 3’s Night Waves on 15 May 2012 about ideology

See the ‘Get Real’ page for earlier appearances

© 2022 Eliane Glaser

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